The Classification Paragraph

As the paragraphs in this book have been classified according to the developmental techniques used in them, it is needless to say that the classification paragraph is developed by using the technique of classification. However, we will say a few words here about the purpose and organization of a classification paragraph.

The word "Classification" suggests two meanings-

(a) dividing a thing into its component parts and 
(b) putting things into groups. 

Hence, the purpose of a classification paragraph is either to divide a subject into its individual parts and explain them one by one or to bring a large number of items under a small number of groups or classes and examine the characteristics of each of those groups. For example, if we divide a complete paragraph into its constituent parts, we will get Introduction. Development and Conclusion. On the other hand, the sentences (let us say fifteen sentences) in a paragraph can be classified as The Topic Sentence, The Developers, The Context Modulator and The Concluding Sentence. In the first case, the classification paragraph will explain the parts of a whole thing, while in the second it will point out the nature of each group of several things.

As usual, the classification paragraph has the Topic Sentence, the Developers and the Terminator at the beginning, in the middle and at the end respectively.

The function of the topic sentence/s in this case is to declare how many parts the whole thing is broken into or how many groups the great number of things fall into. The number of parts or groups may be definite or indefinite. If definite, they are named either in the very first sentence or sometimes in a second topic sentence. If indefinite, only a few of them are named and explained in the developers.

The topic sentence with the controlling idea (shown in the Bold Type) in a classification paragraph can be written in the following ways:
     'X' is divided into three parts.
     'X' is divided into A, B and C.
     'X' has four different sections.
     'X' consists of five elements.
     'X's' are classified as A, B, C & D
     'X's' fall into three categories.
     'X's' belong to three separate groups/classes.
     'X's' may be classified in a variety of ways.
'     X's' are put into different groups.
and so on.

The function of the developers in a classification paragraph is to explain or examine the part or groups mentioned in the topic sentence/s. The linker used in joining these developers are the same as those used in the list and the example paragraphs.

They include-
     First, Second, Third and so on;
     Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly and so on;
     Another, still another, the last;
     Also, Next.
However, the developers are sometimes linked with one another without any visible linker. They remain implied in the writer's mind.

The Concluding Sentence in a Classification Paragraph generally refers back to the topic sentence but there are exceptions too.

Read the following model classification paragraphs carefully and pay close attention to their structural divisions.

1. Literature

Literature is divided into-different branches. The major branches are drama, novel, short story and poetry. Written in sayable dialogues, the drama is a representation of life on the stage. It is perhaps the oldest form of literature. Secondly, the novel is a narrative in prose, long enough to fill at least one complete volume. The short story is also a narrative in prose but on a very small compass. Its chief characteristic is economy. The other major branch, poetry is a highly compressed form of literature written in the best words possible to express powerful passions. It can be either in prose or verse. In addition to these main genres of literature, there are other forms as well.

2. University Teachers

The University teachers in Bangladesh are categorized as Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. The first category of teachers in the university are called Lecturers. After they gain the requisite teaching experience, they are reappointed J S Assistant Professors. The next rank of the teachers is that of the Associate professors. And thus who belong to the highest category are known as Professors. This classification of the university teachers is made on the basis of their teaching experience and academic distinctions.

Both the paragraphs are developed by the same technique - the technique of classification. Nevertheless, there are some differences between them. The topic of the first paragraph is expressed by a singular noun and the purpose of the paragraph is to divide it into its different parts. On the contrary, the topic of the second paragraph is expressed by a plural noun and the persons represented by this noun are put into several groups or classes. 

Apart from this functional difference, there are also some developmental differences between them. In the first paragraph, there are two topic sentences and the parts are named in the second sentence. But there is only one topic sentence in the second paragraph. Secondly, each part in the first paragraph is described by one or two sentences, while each category of persons is defined by only one sentence in the second paragraph. The terminator in the first paragraph refers back to the topic sentences, while that in the second makes an important statement about the categories of people described in the paragraph.


  1. The classification paragraph contains the method of classification.
  2. Classification refers to either dividing one complete thing into its individual parts or to putting a large number of things into a small number of groups.
  3. The function of the developers in a classification paragraph is to explain or examine the parts or groups of the thing/s concerned.


       (to) categorize — place in a category or class
       compass — extent; range
       component - helping to form a complete thing
       compressed - something put into fewer words; condensed
       constituent - component
       distinction — a degree of honour
       exception - something that does not follow the rule i
       nevertheless - however; still; inspite of that
       representation - acting; playing the part of
       sayable - which can be easily uttered
       visible - that can be seen
       Volume - book; number of sheets or papers bound together


1. Develop each of the following Topic Sentences into a Classification Paragraph.

  1. Structurally, a full English clause can be divided into four elements.
  2. According to their functions, English sentences are categorized as Statements, Questions,        Desires and Exclamations.
  3. A Shakespearean play is divided into five acts.
  4. People in Bangladesh belong to four religious communities.

2. Write a classification paragraph on each of the following topics:-

     a) Parts of a Tree
     b) Kinds of English Poetry
     c) Categories of Rice
     d) Types of Shakespearean Plays
     e) Social Classes of People.

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