The Example Paragraph

The Example Paragraph

The example paragraph is that kind of paragraph in which examples are used to develop or support the main idea contained in the topic sentence. The topic sentence in this case does usually make a general statement which is then supported by specific examples through the developers. Like every other kind of paragraph, an example paragraph also is rounded off by a terminator. However, the context modulator is not generally required in an example paragraph.

It is important to note that the examples in an example paragraph may also have the appearance of a list. In fact, it is also a list paragraph in a different way. The difference is that in a genuine list paragraph the topic statement is more or less specific and the developers there make an exact list of the things suggested by its controlling idea. But in an example paragraph the list is generally flexible and follows a general statement. An examination of the two topic sentences below will show the difference between a list paragraph and an example paragraph. Here are the topic sentences:

 a) There are three major reasons behind his failure.
 b) All synonyms in English do not always have the same emotional meaning.

Obviously, the first sentence makes a very specific statement and i f you develop this into a paragraph, you must make an exact list of the three reasons. So the list here will be directly guided by the controlling idea and the result will be a genuine list paragraph. On the contrary, the second sentence does not at all make a specific statement. It only makes a general observation on English synonyms. It does not say how many things are to be listed. The function of the developers here will simply be to prove this statement true by giving some" examples. It is neither possible nor desired that you should make a comprehensive list of all those synonyms. The examples may give the impression of a list but they will actually form an example paragraph.

It is, therefore, clear that the difference between a list paragraph and an example paragraph is determined by their
respective topic statements. It is also to be1 noted that the developers in an example paragraph are joined sometimes by different connectors.

The controlling idea in an example paragraph may be expressed in such phrases as:
   wild animals
   a great number of films
   many Bengali words
   numerous colloquial expressions
   lots/a lot of troubles
   innumerable difficulties
   some Shakespearean plays
   most of the Victorian novels
   various activities
   and many others like these

The connectors in an example paragraph generally include:

   for example
   another example
   still another example
   for instance
   another instance
   yet another instance
   furthermore and so on

N.B. Sometimes the examples are joined without any connector.

     Here is a model example paragraph to show you the technique of its development:

Extracurricular Activities
   In addition to their academic programme, students should always take part in various extracurricular activities. For example, they should participate in different games and sports
and take regular physical exercise to keep their body healthy. They should also associate
themselves with various dramatic and debating societies and other cultural organizations to
improve their faculty. Furthermore, they should participate in the reformative activities in their spare times for the improvement of their society. Along with his normal course of studies, an idea: student should do all these things simultaneously.

     You have certainly noticed that the topic sentence of this paragraph makes a general statement with a flexible controlling idea—various extracurricular activities. And then three specific examples of extracurricular activities are
given to support that statement. Obviously, the example sentences are joined by some connectors. They are-For example, also and Furthermore. The last sentence is the terminator.

       i) The example paragraph is developed by examples.
       ii) The topic statement should be general but the examples very specific. .
       iii) It is also a list paragraph but the way of listing is different.

          extracurricular — outside the regular course of academic work or studies

          flexible - adaptable; which can be easily changed to suit new conditions.
       general - not special or particular
     impression — effect produced on the mind
     respective — belonging to each of those in question
    (to) round sth off — bring it to a satisfactory conclusion
     simultaneously — happening or done at the same time,
     specific - detailed and precise
1. Develop each o f the following topic sentences into an example paragraph:

          a) Some programmes of the Bangladesh Television are very good.
          b) In Asia some countries are remarkably rich.
          c) After the independence a number of films were made on the liberation war.

2. Say which technique of paragraph development has been used in the following paragraphs:
Dramatic Unities
        a) The classical dramatists maintained three dramatic unities in their plays. Firstly, they maintained the unity of time which indicates that the time taken by the action of a play should not exceed 24 hours. Secondly, they observed the unity of place according to which the entire action should take place in one town. And thirdly, they followed the unity of action which suggests that there should be only one main plot ina play. All classical plays strictly adhered to this principle of unity.
        b) Gold serves many important purposes. Because of its permanent lustrous beauty, it is used for jewelry, coins and ornamental purposes. In recent times, it is also used in astronauts' suits. Astronauts wear gold plated head shields for protection outside the spaceship. In fact, gold has many different functions.

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