Model Paragraphs

1. Problems of Old People
     When people become old, they usually face a lot of problems. First of all, as old people have no regular job they have to spend a lazy time at home. This inactivity makes their daily life dull and monotonous. Secondly, invalid old people cannot look after themselves and they have always to depend on others for their daily necessaries. Thirdly, as old people cannot earn money they are often neglected and criticized by other members of the .family. Fourthly, old people lose their eye-sight and ability to hear. So other people find it boring to talk with them. Fifthly, old people are more prone to diseases than young people. They heed constant medicare. Finally, old people usually lose their interest in worldly things and become obsessed with death. Their life is beset with problems.
2. An Arranged Marriage
     An arranged marriage is one in which the bride and the bridegroom are not chosen by themselves. It is a kind of marriage which is arranged by the guardians of the marrying couple. The bride and the bridegroom are sometimes allowed to see each other but all negotiations for marriage are made by their guardians. When guardians come to a unanimous decision, only then the preparation for the wedding ceremony begins. Usually, the wedding reception in such cases is attended by a large number of guests from both sides. It becomes an occasion of great joy and merriment. In our society, traditional arranged marriages are more welcome than love marriages. As guardians determine the suitability of the marriage partners wisely and rationally, an arranged marriage is considered to be happier than a love marriage in which decisions are often taken emotionally rand whimsically by the lover and the beloved alone
3. Writing an Assignment
     Students have often to write an assignment as a part of their examinations. They have several steps to follow in writing a good assignment. First, they should look for and collect all relevant information from various sources. They can take notes from all these sources. Next, they should draw up a plan for their assignment. After making the plan, they should organize all the information and write a rough draft. Then they should check the draft carefully and make necessary amendments. Finally, they should type or compose their assignment on good quality paper. Before they hand in their assignment they should also add a bibliography to document their sources. If they follow these steps carefully in doing an assignment, their work is likely to be good and earn them good marks.
4. Acquisition and Learning
     Acquisition and learning are two ways of developing communicative competence in a language. The two ways are different from each other. Acquisition is a natural and subconscious process of gaining competence in a language. In this process language users are not usually aware of acquiring a language. It is similar to the way children develop their ability in their mother tongue. In other words, acquision is picking up a language spontaneously from the environment. It may be called implicit learning, a learning which is possible without any conscious effort. On the other- hand, learning refers to conscious knowledge of a language. It involves learning the rules of a language and using them consciously. It is a formal and diligent way of developing competence in a language, particularly a second or foreign language. Language specialists believe that acquiring a language is better and more effective than learning it.
5. Qualities of a Good Teacher
'     A good teacher must have certain qualities. First of all, teaching is a difficult art and every teacher should be Well versed in this art. Modern educational psychology emphasizes that a teacher should not only have a good knowledge of the subject he teaches but also know - the pupils he teaches. Secondly, a teacher must have a good personality, good personal appearance, cheerful temper, ready expression, strong deep voice, determined look and strong physique. He should also have graciousness of manner which indicates self-control and inner harmony. Thirdly, a good teacher should really be interested in his work and do it sincerely and with devotion. He should always take pains to prepare his lessons. Fourthly, a good teacher's personal habits should also be commendable. In fact, he should be a model for his students. To be respected he must be respectable. Finally, a good teacher is always a good classroom manager. These and such other qualities help a teacher to evoke submission and obedience among his pupils.
6. Having a Television
     Television is a wonderful invention of modern science and every well-off family in the world today wants to possess a television. Having a television has many advantages. The first benefit of owing a television set is that it is a great source of entertainment. Watching television helps us a lot to have a good time after we have studied or worked hard. It helps us to get rid of our boredom. Secondly, i f we have a television, we can discuss different television programmers with our friends and colleagues. Those who do not have a television cannot take port in those discussions and they feel very small then. Thirdly, television programmers have educative value as well. We can learn many things about many countries if we own a television. A television can bring the entire world into our drawing room. This is not a small benefit. People of all ages enjoy watching television. It is true that those who have a television have a lot of advantages over those who do not own it. It is undoubtedly a pride possession.
7. Qualities of an Ideal Student
     An ideal student should have certain qualifies. As the first and foremost duty of a student is to study, an "ideal student should spend most of his time studying and reading. He should read not only his textbooks but also all kinds of things to enhance his general knowledge and broaden his ou look. Secondly, an ideal student should attend his classes regularly and prepare his lessons properly. He should always obey his teachers. Thirdly, an ideal student should have a good moral character. He should practise sincerity, honesty and truthfulness, and abstain from all kinds of bad influence. Fourthly, an ideal student should be modest and well-behaved. He should have a good relationship with everybody. He should also help his fellow students. Finally, an ideal student should prepare himself to be a good citizen of his country. He should also be ready to contribute to the development of his nation. These qualities are essential for an ideal student.
8. A Good College
     A college is a school for higher secondary and higher education, and a good College is one which imparts good education to its students and provides them with other facilities. First of all, a good college should be situated at a convenient place with a good communication system. It must have a big attractive building. Secondly, a good college must have an efficient teaching staff who will take special care of their students. Thirdly, the administration of a good college should be very strict so that every teacher and student maintains discipline and nobody violates any code of conduct. Fourthly, a good college should have a big library with a good stock of books and reading facilities. A good college should also arrange extra-curricular activities for its students. There must also be sporting facilities at a good college. These are, among others, some characteristics of a good college. It is above all a place where students find a congenial atmosphere for good education.
9. An Extended Family
     An extended family is usually, a large family which consists of not only parents and children but also of grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. The atmosphere in an extended family is often noisy because of the presence of a large number of people. There are often complaints against each other in such a family. The guardian of an extended family often finds it difficult to solve everybody's problems. He cannot even satisfy every member equally. As the expenses in an extended family are high, it becomes difficult for the guardian to make both ends meet. Cousins often quarrel with each other on silly matters. As a result, peace and tranquility can hardly be found in an extended family. Family ties in a big family often become loose. People of modern times do not usually like extended families.
10. Examinations
     Examinations are a regular event in the life of a student. They are regularly arranged in order to assess students' progress or achievement. Students have to sit for examinations once, twice or thrice a year and everyone wants to do well in every examination. Everyone expects a good grade. Bright students prepare themselves well for their examinations and take them bravely and enthusiastically. But poor students have always a phobia about examinations. As they are not well prepared for examinations, they often cheat or adopt unfair means in them. Examination results are always important for students. After taking an examination every student eagerly waits for their results. Satisfactory results make them happy, while unsatisfactory results make them very unhappy. Failure in passing an examination is the most undesirable thing. Every student should study hard to take a good "preparation for any of their examinations, because a good grade in every examination is always rewarding.
11. The grammar-Translation Method of Teaching English
     translation method is the oldest method of teaching English as second or foreign language. It is also known as the classical or traditional method of teaching a foreign language. This method makes use of grammar and translation as the main teaching and learning activities. A typical lesson in this method consists of the presentation of grammatical rules to students and their application of these rules in translation exercises. In other words, it follows the deductive approach to learning. The main goal of this method is to enable students to read and appreciate the target language literature. It views language learning as an intellectual exercise. The grammar-translation method mainly focuses the skills of reading and writing. It does not pay any systematic attention to listening and speaking. So, this method does not aim at developing students' communicative competence. In spite of that, it is a very popular method and as a traditional method it is still practised in many parts of the world.
12. Second Language and Foreign Language
     The second or foreign language is not the native language in a country. The terms 'second language' and foreign language' are often used interchangeably. However, in British usage, a distinction is made between them. According to this distinction, a foreign language is a language which is taught as a school subject but not used as a medium of instruction nor as a language of communication within a country. It is usually studied either for communication with foreigners or for reading Tinted materials in the language. In this respect, English is now a foreign language in Bangladesh. On the other hand, a second language is a language which is widely used as a medium of communication alongside another language in a country. It is studied not only for communication with foreigners but also for domestic use. For example, English
is a second language in India. In this respect, a second language and a foreign language are different from each other.
13. The Significance of Education
     The significance of education in human life is immense. First of all, education is a preparation for life. It is an acquisition of such knowledge and skill as will help every individual to lead a better life. Secondly, education is character-building. It moulds and shapes human behaviour and turns everybody into a better person. Thirdly, education is a harmonious and all-round development of human faculties. It ensures a balanced intellectual growth of young people. Fourthly, education helps people to become good citizens and teaches them how to perform their duties and responsibilities to their country. Lastly, education is adjustment to environment. It is a process by which young people are brought into proper relationship with various influences from the society and the world. Education is the most significant thing in the life of a human being. Only education can differentiate a person from an illiterate brute.
14. College Canteens
     A canteen in a college is a place where food is sold. It is a regular rendezvous for students. Students visit their canteen individually or in groups and enjoy eating and gossiping there. College canteens have both merits and demerits. There is no denying the fact that they provide some service to students.. Whenever they feel hungry, they can buy food at the canteen. They can also spend their spare time happily in the canteen. Eating, together often develops friendship. But the demerits of a canteen outnumber its merits. Most of the food sold in a canteen is junk food which is bad for health. Such food often causes various stomach problems. Students often spend too much money for the sake of friendship on stuff which they actually do not need. Eating bad stuff, they often develop
aversion to good home-made food. Moreover, it is because of canteens that the college premises are often littered with empty cartons and cans. It often causes environmental pollution. A canteen may also be a centre of politics. Considering the merits and demerits of college canteens, I personally think-that they should be closed.
15. An Examination Hall
     An examination hall is a big or small room at an educational institution where examinations are held. It is a serious and solemn place. Examinees enter the hall a few minutes before the examination begins and take their respective seats. At the beginning, the hall may be a bit noisy but with the arrival of invigilators with scripts and papers it becomes calm and quiet. Students are not allowed to talk during the examination. Only invigilators often shout warnings against cheating. Most students write silently in their examination but some of them try to talk with each other in a low voice and adopt unfair means. Such students are often expelled. The duration of an examination may vary from one hour to four hours. During this time, every examinee looks busy and serious. At the end of the examination, the invigilators collect the examination scripts and examinees leave the hall noisily discussing their performance.
16. Planting Trees
     Planting trees is very essential for us, because they do us a lot of good. First of all, trees are an important element of our environment. They are a wonderful gift of God to us. Trees are our best friends and they help us in various ways. They provide us with oxygen which is essential for our existence. They purify the air for us to breathe in. Secondly, we get wood and fuel from trees. I f there were no trees, we would not get our fashionable furniture. Thirdly, trees give us shade and protect the weary walkers from the heat of the sun. Moreover, trees also maintain the ecological balance. They can save us from the dangerous effect of global warming. Lastly, trees
  enhance the beauty of nature and we often find consolation in the beauty of nature when we feel dejected. Considering all these values of trees, we should make it a social movement to plant more and more trees. The more trees we can plant and the fewer trees we cut down the better.
17. Camping
     'Camping' means putting up a tent in an open field and living there for a certain period of time for pleasure. There are several reasons why camping is very popular with a lot of people. For one thing, it is a fairly cheap holiday. It is much cheaper to hire a caravan or tent than to stay in a good hotel or motel. In addition, it is very pleasant to sleep out in the field under the sky and to have picnic meals instead of sleeping and eating inside. The air in the lap of nature is always fresh and people have a chance to enjoy the amenities of nature.
Moreover, camping helps people to get rid of the madding crowd of cities and facilitates an escape from the dull and monotonous routine of everyday life. It helps us to forget the harsh realities of life. Many busy people think that camping is the most relaxing kind of holiday. We should make camping popular in Bangladesh and encourage people to go camping.
18. Travelling
     Travelling means going from one place to another, especially to a distant place. It is good experience for everybody. There are many advantages of travelling. Firstly, it quenches our thirst for knowledge. By travelling we can physically visit the places we read about in books. It helps us to know the unknown and see the unseen. Secondly we can meet. different people of different cultures as a result of travelling. It helps us to get rid of our cultural prejudices and thereby broadens our outlook. Thirdly, travelling has also got a lot of educative value. We can learn many things from travelling and use this learning in our practical life. Travelling to distant countries is, no doubt, expensive. In spite of that, we should travel as much as we can afford. The money spent on traveling will not be wasted. We can gain a lot from travelling.
19. Smoking
     Smoking is a very bad habit. It is harmful mainly for four reasons. Firstly, the tobacco smoke which the smokers breathe in is injurious to health. It is bad for the respiratory system. Smokers get colds which last for a long time. They also get bronchitis and pneumonia more easily than nonsmokers. Secondly, it has been medically proved that there is a connection between lung cancer and smoking. Thirdly, smoking gives smokers bad breath. Most non-smokers hate the smell of tobacco and do not want to sit near someone who will puff smoke all over them. Passive smoking is equally bad. Finally, smoking is a very expensive habit. Smokers have to spend a lot of money on cigarettes and this money is totally wasted. In my opinion, it is better not to start smoking and those who have already started should immediately give up this bad habit.
20. A Nuclear Family
A nuclear family is usually a small family which consists of parents and their children only. In a modern nuclear family the number of members does not exceed four or five. That is why a nuclear family has a lot of advantages. First of all, the atmosphere in a small family usually remains calm and quiet. It is free from the noise of an extended family. Secondly, it is comparatively easy to run a nuclear family. The guardians of such a family do not have to feed too many mouths. They do not have to meet too many demands. Thirdly, the parents of a nuclear family can plan their life in their own way, because they have to look after their own children only. The family ties in a nuclear family are stronger than those in an extended family. The members of a nuclear family can be more caring and sharing to each other. Because of these advantages, most modern people prefer a nuclear family to an extended family.
21. Communicative Language Teaching
     Communicative language teaching, popularly known as CLT, is a modern approach to teaching a second or foreign language. Its main goal is to develop learners' communicative competence in the target language. This approach does not deemphasize grammatical accuracy but puts greater emphasis on the functional aspects of language. According to the proponents of CLT, a second / foreign language learner should be able not only to produce grammatically correct utterances but also to use them appropriately in different social circumstances. A learner should know when, where and to whom to use what expressions, because language is determined by the inter-personal social relationship of the speakers. Communicative language teaching attempts to strike a harmonious balance between the structural and functional aspects of language. We should practice CLT properly in order to develop our communicative ability in English.
22. The Mobile Phone
     The mobile phone is a wonderful invention of science. It is a small device but performs many important functions. We can make and receive calls on a mobile phone even when we are travelling by car, bus, train or air. This phone has become popular because of its multi-purpose use. We can not only talk on a mobile phone but also use it for sending short messages, picture messages and money. We can also take photographs and do calculations by using a mobile phone. It is used by all kinds of people all over the world. Almost all the big cities of the world are connected with the mobile network. Mobile phones play a very vital role when there is an emergency. It helps us to remain in constant touch with everyone we know. It has a lot of advantages over a landline phone. However, the mobile phone has also added to the criminal activities. I f we can ensure only the good uses of the mobile phone, it can be a perfect blessing for us.
23. A Morning Walk
     A morning walk is a light form of useful exercise. It is useful in various ways. As the environment in the early morning remains very calm and quiet, the morning walker can enjoy his/her walk in a peaceful mind. The morning air is also very refreshing. It keeps the walker healthy and happy. The fresh morning air inhaled during the morning walk keeps one fit and energetic for the whole day.. One can hear the sweet sounds of birds and see the pure greenness of nature in the morning. A morning walk has also got some social significance now-a-days. Many people often walk together and enjoy their walking time chatting and gossiping with each other. This strengthens their social ties and develops friendship. Health conscious people should make a regular habit of morning walking. It is, indeed, a pleasant and useful activity.
24. Good Health
     Good health is a great boon. It is the most precious possession of a person. Good health is absolutely necessary for a healthy outlook towards life. However, good health cannot be gained for the asking. One has to maintain certain rules and regulations to gain good health. For example, nutrition’s food here plays a very important role. If we want to have good health, we should always take good and nutrition’s food, and avoid taking junk and fast food which is injurious to health. Fresh air is also very important for good health. People living in the unpolluted open air usually enjoy sound health. Regular exercise is another factor for good health. A proper balance between one's work and rest also contributes to good health. I f we maintain discipline in our everyday life, we can enjoy good health. It is rightly said that health is our real wealth.
25. Terrorism
     Terrorism means the use of violence such as bombing, shooting or kidnapping to obtain political demands. Terrorists often take recourse to such destructive activities to advance political aim. The world has experienced many terrorist activities. Hijacking of planes, blowing up of railways and bridges, annihilation of bus-load of passengers are some of the worst instances of terrorist activities that we have seen in recent times. Such wanton killings and destructions cause irreparable damages to lives and property of a country. The progress and prosperity of a country suffers a serious setback because of terrorism. We should not at all put up with such nuisance. Terrorism should be ruthlessly dealt with undaunted courage and determination. Only by curbing terrorism we can bring back a stable political and economic environment.
26. Tolerance
     ‘Tolerance’ means willingness to allow others to do or say what they want to without criticizing them. It is a quality which enables one to tolerate the presence of others. It can do away with all kinds of discords and disputes. There may be differences of opinions between individuals or groups of people. But there is no reason why a difference should be settled by a show of strength or arms. Tolerance can help everyone to settle all matters of dispute amicably. We see intolerance in every walk of our lives. Fanaticism in religion, race, politics, culture and everything breeds intolerance and leads to fights and riots. The only remedy for all these troubles is the practice of tolerance. Intolerance has done a lot of harm to mankind. In order to get rid of all kinds of discord or disharmony, tolerance can play a supreme role in our social and national life.
27. Mercy
     Mercy means kindness, pity, and a willingness to forgive an offender. It is certainly a great virtue to forgive an enemy instead of punishing him. To forgive an injury is often considered to be a sign of weakness on the part of the forgiver. But it is, as a matter of fact, a sign of strength. It is easy to be carried away by anger and become vindictive. But one needs a strong character to control anger and prevent oneself from doing an act of vengeance. The man who forgives his enemy and shows mercy to him proves himself superior to him. It is the act of mercy which puts the wrong-doer to shame. Mercy and forgiveness may even turn a foe into a friend. We can call mercy the noblest form of revenge. Undoubtedly, it is one of the rarest virtues.
28. Eve Teasing
     Eve teasing means exciting young girls sexually by making indecent remarks or vulgar comments on them. It is a manifestation of sexual provocation. It usually starts with winking eyes and making obscene gestures and may go to the extent of physical assault and harassment. Generally school and college-going girls become victims of eve teasing by perverted young boys on the way to and from their school and college. It is the cause and effect of moral perversion of a society. Eve teasing makes the life of the young girls miserable. Very often they have to tolerate all kinds of verbal harassment patiently because their expression of resentment may provoke the teasers to assault them physically. Eve teasing is a social crime and it should be prevented at any cost. The law-enforcing authorities should deal severely with the eve teasers. People's conscience and consciousness must also be aroused to stop this nuisance.
29. Communal Harmony
     Communal harmony refers to the situation in which people of different communities live together peacefully without fighting with each other. There may be people of different races and religions in a country and there should be a complete harmony among them. If we have respect for the faith and beliefs of other people, we can certainly ensure communal harmony. We should always try to promote harmony and spirit of brotherhood among all citizens transcending our religious, linguistic or sectional diversities. Sometimes a minor incident arouses communal passions and provokes rioting and causes widespread bloodshed. The saner sections of the society should guard against such a situation. Promotion of communal harmony is of paramount importance for the progress and prosperity of a country in the social, economic, political and other spheres. All evil forces trying to destroy this harmony should be crushed at any cost.
30. Religious Festivals
     There are people of different religious faiths in the world and they have their respective festivals to observe. For example, muslims all over the world celebrate two eids and other festivals every year. The main purpose of these festivals is to please their God whom they call Allah. Christians observe Christmas in the month of December with pomp and grandeur. Hindus celebrate different kinds of 'puja' to worship their gods and goddesses, at different times of the year. Buddhists observe 'Budda Purnima' as their main religious*"' festival. Although religious festivals should have religious significance only, they have great social values too. They have a strong unifying effect. Most religious festivals bring all classes of people together. They teach people to forget the differences between the rich and the poor. They always promote a spirit of harmony and brotherhood. Every religious community should be allowed to celebrate their festivals freely.
31. Effects of War
     War in general refers to fighting between two or more countries or opposing groups of people within a country. In either case it involves large numbers of soldiers and weapons, and has many devastating effects on life and property. First of all, every war is expensive. Belligerent countries spend a huge amount of money manufacturing deadly weapons. This money is sheer wastage. It could be spent for any constructive purpose. Secondly, war causes death of both soldiers and common people. A warring notion thus becomes poor in human resources. The economy of a country is also battered and shattered by war. The total infra-structure of a country may be damaged and ravaged by war. Lastly, war also disrupts the normal atmosphere of life. All kinds of creative activities are seriously hampered by war. We want peace and no war on the face of our beautiful earth.
32. Floods
      Flood means a large mass of water which usually causes inundation of a large area of dry land. It is a natural calamity which has a lot of devastating effects. First of all, floods destroy standing crops causing a heavy loss to economy. Secondly, low-lying houses, particularly the mud-built and thatched ones, tumble down in the flood water. Thirdly, domestic animals like cats, dogs and cattle are often swept away. Sometimes human beings are also drowned. Fourthly, national highways and railways also go under water and it causes stoppage of the transport system. Electric lines and telephone lines may also be snapped by floods. Fifthly, scarcity of drinking water during a flood is another big problem. Sometimes diseases like cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery break out in the flooding time. Floods actually cause great damage to life and property. Permanent measures against floods are not an easy matter but we should at least take some precautionary measures to minimise their damaging effects.
33. Village Life and Town Life
      God made the country and man made the town. This statement suggests a contrast between the town and the village. It is generally believed that village life is simple and natural but town life is complex and artificial. But in comparison with towns villages suffer from a lack of many things. For example, educational facilities in towns are far greater than those in villages. Again in a town there are big hospitals and renowned physicians, whereas village people are often deprived of medical aid. As towns are centers of business and
      administration, people there have a lot of employment opportunities. On the other hand, there are hardly any employment opportunities in villages. Besides, in towns there are cinemas, theatres and other sources of recreation which are scarcely found in villages. However, village life is also better than town life in many respects. Life in a village is quiet and peaceful but town life is noisy. Living in a village is cheaper than living in a town. Villages are always naturally more beautiful than towns. So village life and town life are different from each other.
34. Watching Films
     Watching films is a pleasant and popular pastime. It has both merits and demerits. The first merit of watching a film is that it is a cheap source of entertainment which can relieve a person of their worries and anxieties. Secondly, a film has also a great educative value. We can learn a lot of things from a film. It increases our general knowledge. A film can present things more interestingly and impressively than books. However, watching films has demerits too. Bad films do more harm than good. They can corrupt the morale of the whole society. They can lead young people astray. Excessive fascination for films destroys students' concentration on and seriousness in studies. A film buff often spoils his educational career. We should, therefore, watch only good films which can give us pure entertainment and enhance our knowledge. Morally degrading films should always be avoided.
35. Student Politics
     Opinions differ as to whether students should take part in politics or not. There are obviously arguments both for and against student politics. There is no denying the fact that the main duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But the supporters of student politics opine that students are members of society and they are the future leaders of the county. Therefore, it is- very natural for them to take interest in the political problems of their country. Students in a democratic state cannot keep aloof from politics altogether. But others view that students should not join in active politics. Their studies are bound to suffer and their future career may be ruined if they dabble in the dirty game of politics. Political leaders often exploit students for their own selfish ends. So students should he aware of such professional politicians. In my opinion, students should not rush into politics. They will get plenty of time to do politics after completing their studies.
36: Importance of a Library
      A library is a collection of different kinds of books. It is said to be a storehouse of knowledge and culture. There are different types of libraries, such as private libraries, public libraries and academic libraries. The main purpose of a library is to impart knowledge. Readers can read in the library or borrow books from the library to quench their thirst for knowledge. Libraries play a very important role in schools, colleges and universities. They help students, teachers and researchers alike. No educational institution can be imagined without a library. A library is also essential for the cultural progress of a country. It helps a lot to fight illiteracy. No civilised nation can do without a library. The more libraries a nation has the more developed she can claim herself to be. We should set up more and more libraries in our country.
37. Unemployment
      Unemployment is one of the serious problems in Bangladesh. As the government cannot provide work to every job-seeker, the number of the unemployed people is increasing day by day at an alarming rate. There are many causes of unemployment in our country, such as increasing population, defective system of education, backwardness of our agriculture, slow rate of industrialization and so on. There is always a tendency among our educated people to run after government jobs. Very few people are self-employed in their own ventures. Thousands of people rush to cities from villages in search of employment opportunities. If they could employ themselves in cottage industries and other intensive labour industries in villages, these people would not have to migrate to cities. Large scale employment opportunities should be created to solve the ever-increasing problem of unemployment.
38. Students' Social Service
     Service to the humanity is a virtue and students can play an important role in this humanitarian task. They can help the suffering people in many ways. For example, students can spend their spare time teaching illiterate people. They can form a squad in their locality and open night schools. Secondly, they can take up a cleanliness programme in their locality from time to time. They can also raise funds to help the needy people of the society. In times of flood, famine or other natural disasters also students can render their service to the distressed humanity. They can rescue the distressed, feed the hungry, nurse the sick and clothe the naked. In a word, when the nation needs their service students should close their books and stand by the suffering people and try their best to save their lives. Social service helps students gain experience, strength and self-confidence. They can prepare themselves for future leadership through social service.
39. Games and Sports
     "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"-is a common proverb. It emphasizes the importance of games and sports in human life. Games and sports are necessary for physical fitness. They remove dullness from our minds and provide us with energy to do more work. Secondly, games and sports teach us discipline. The discipline we learn in the field of games and sports can be practiced in other spheres of life. Thirdly, games and sports teach us how to cope with difficult situations. By displaying our feats before many spectators, we can overcome our nervousness and develop confidence and sports are also good diversions. They have a lot of aesthetic value. Finally, international sport i in modern times play a big role in developing international brotherhood. We should all be interested in games and sports and try to promote them both nationally and internationally.
40. Reading Newspapers
     Newspapers contain news, articles, pictures, advertisements and what not. So reading a newspaper has a lot of benefits. First of all, newspapers bring us different kinds of news from both home and abroad and satisfy our curiosity. By reading a newspaper sitting at home we can know what is happening at every corner of the world. Secondly, newspapers also publish various types of articles to cater to the taste and interest of different classes of people. Thirdly, newspapers contain advertisements of different goods and institutions. A newspaper reader can gather information about them. Fourthly, newspapers have also some educative value. They help us a lot to increase our general knowledge. Some people read newspapers also to develop their language skills. Different pages of a newspaper serve different purposes. In a word, reading a newspaper is useful in many different ways.
41. The Value of Discipline
      The word 'discipline' comes from the word 'disciple' and it is considered to be the cardinal virtue of a disciple. It means the proper conduct of a learner in every walk of life. It also means obedience to the rules of an institution. Discipline is of great importance in our life. A family becomes happy. when the members love each other and maintain discipline. It is the corner-stone of an educational institution. Students must obey their teachers and abide by the rules and regulations of their school/college/university. Without learning discipline students cannot become responsible citizens of the country. In public life also discipline has to be maintained. No society or nation can make any progress i f people are not disciplined. We maintain discipline in every sphere of our life. Life will be all chaos without discipline.
42. Childhood
      Childhood is the period of time when a person is a child and it is considered to be the happiest part of one's life. Children in their childhood are free from all kinds of cares and anxieties of the adult life. They live in a beautiful world of imagination and it is their parents who take every care of them. Children have nothing to worry about, nor any responsibility to burden them. However, childhood is the period of preparation for future life. Children brought up carefully can prepare themselves well for their adult career. For this, they have to learn discipline early in their life. They should also develop their moral character in their childhood. Children are little angels. They have the wonderful qualities of innocence and purity of hearts in them. They should train well to maintain such innocence and purity in their adult life. Childhood is really very important in everyone's life.
43. Arsenic in Water
       Arsenic is a very poisonous substance which is often. used to kill rats and it is also able to kill people. In recent years, the presence of arsenic in tubewell water has become a great threat to public health. By drinking arsenic polluted water many people of different areas are falling ill . The arsenic in the drinking water is stored in our main organs and gets mixed with blood. The organs then become inactive and the poison of arsenic cracks our skin. The problem may be so serious as to cause death to the victim. The only way to avoid such disaster is to refrain from drinking arsenic polluted water. The water from every tubewell should be regularly tested and i f arsenic is found to be present in the water of any tubewell, that tubewell should be totally closed and alternative sources of water should be used. The government should come forward to find a permanent solution to the problem
44. Good Manners
       Good manners refer to polite ways of behaving in social situations. TO learn and practise good manners is essential for every human being. It is often said that good manners do not cost any money but they can develop good social relations with others. A good-mannered person can easily make friends and win admiration. If a person possesses polished and polite manners, they will certainly be able to create a good impression on all those who come in contact with them. Good manners make a person civilised and cultured and they should be practised right from one's childhood. Education can play an important role in the cultivation of good manners. Good manners demand that we should always respect the feeling of other people. We should not criticize anybody's religious faith or their personal defects. We should not hurt anybody's sentiment and should always be tolerant. Only good manners can establish a good society.
45. Noise Pollution
       Noise pollution is a situation in which a loud noise becomes very unpleasant. When a noise has adverse effects on man's surroundings, it is considered to be polluting the environment. Loud speakers, for example, disturb not only students in their studies but also the peace of the locality. Similarly, loudly played radios, stereos and televisions also cause noise pollution. Trucks, buses and motor cycles also produce unpleasant noises. The loudness and duration of any noise is harmful and causes physical discomfort and temporary or permanent damage to hearing. Noise affects our peace of mind. It causes headache and produces irritability. Modern civilization cannot put up with noise pollution. Nobody should be permitted to pollute the silent and peaceful environment by making any kind of harmful noise. Public consciousness, against noise pollution is essential for solving this problem.
46. Drug Addiction
      Drug addiction has become a serious problem in modern times. There are millions of drug addicts in the world today. Drugs are usually prepared from opium and other intoxicating substances and people usually take drugs for the sake of pleasure. They help the addicts to forget their worldly sufferings. Gradually, the drug takers get accustomed to them and cannot give up the habit. Drugs are taken in various forms. Some are taken through injection, some are smoked and others are chewed and swallowed. Drugs not only ruin an addict morally, they also affect them physically. They infect the kidneys and the brain. They attack the nervous system. They also cause loss of appetite, bring drowsiness and spoils one's strength and stamina. The ultimate consequence of drug addiction is death. Everybody should be aware of this disastrous consequence and should not start this fatal habit of taking drugs.
47. University Admission Tests
      Admission tests are necessary for every university to enroll students for .higher education. A university cannot accommodate all the students who seek admission into it. Admission tests are the only means through which the university authority selects the eligible candidates and eliminates the bad ones. Admission tests are unavoidable because the examinations conducted by the education boards are not a true test of intelligence of the students. The students often mug up things and manage to secure good grades in the pre-university S.S.C. and H.S.C. Examinations. Therefore, board examinations should not be taken as a criterion for eligibility of higher education. Only a carefully designed good admission test can find out if a student has an aptitude for higher education. Higher education should be restricted only to those who are scholar! and it is the admission test which can judge the scholarship of a student. Bad students should not have access to higher education. Admission, tests play an important role in eliminating poor students. In this respect admission tests should be absolutely fair.

                                             48. Common Health hazards
There are many health hazards in our everyday life. One of the commonest factors that hazard our health is the
adulterated unhygienic food that we are compelled to eat everyday. The dirty food sold at dirty hotels and restaurants causes a number of diseases. Another common health hazard is the drinking of impure water. There is no scarcity of impure water in our country. It may cause stomach-ache, diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. Another common health hazard is smoking. It causes not only respiratory problems but also the serious diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia and lung-cancer. Drinking alcohol is equally dangerous. It causes blood pressure and cardiac problems. Living in a dirty and polluted environment can also be a health hazard. We should be aware of these hazards and try to live a hazard-free life by avoiding these harmful elements.

                                                       49. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is a quality which makes a person sure of his own power to succeed in every activity. It is the essence of heroism that helps a person to conquer fear and pushes him forward in life with a lot of energy. Self-confident people do not look and wait for other people's help. They can take initiative and risks in anything they want to do. Self-confidence makes a person accept a challenge fearlessly and do everything courageously and patiently until he meets with success. Success boosts up self-confidence and praise strengthens it. No criticism can destroy one's self-confidence. A self-confident man is sure to succeed in every walk of his life. I f a person believes that he can do a thing, he will certainly be able to do it. Self-confidence is a valuable asset of a man. It is one’s pride possession.

50. The Role of Religion in Human Life
       Religion plays a positive role in human life. A man is different from a beast only because of his religious faith. Religion makes people moral in their outlook and hence they can distinguish between right and wrong. This means that a religious person must be analytical and not a fanatic. Religions give us the guidelines for living a honest life. They teach us to do the right things and keep aloof from all bad things. All religions stand on the some basic principles and aim at the same goal. Every religion recommends morality and humanitarianism. I f a person strictly follows the moral codes of his religion, he cannot be a bad human being. A religious person can certainly get rid of selfishness and dedicate his life for the well-being of humanity. Religion teaches honesty, sincerity, love for fellow human beings and all other virtues. The true followers of any religion are free from all kinds of evils.

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